School Profile
St. George’s College is a private co-educational day school for students aged 3 to 18, situated in Miraflores, a residential area of Lima. The school offers an Early Years (Nursery, Pre-Kinder, Kinder) and Junior School programme (Grades 1-5) curricular programme based on the most modern English National Curriculum offered by Fieldwork (International Early Years Curriculum and International Primary Curriculum). Academic programmes in the Senior School follow the Fieldwork International Middle-Years Curriculum curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Diploma (We are an authorised IB World School since 2011).
The school aims to provide a bilingual education which is international in its programmes and British in its internal organisation and educational traditions. The school places great importance on positive attitudes and sound values and bases its community values on respect and responsibility.
The school values each student and places importance on social and emotional development and aims to provide a friendly and caring environment dedicated to achieving the maximum of each student’s potential in all areas, academic, social, intellectual, and physical. We also work to provide a friendly, caring environment in which the student feels happy and well integrated into our community. We concentrate on supporting the student academically and emotionally as well as in their social interaction and integration. We set high expectations for every student and support them through Differentiated Instruction and Assessment for Learning. We believe that every student has a unique mix of innate talent and potential and that importance must be given to providing encouragement and to developing their self-esteem. Above all, we hope to make school an enjoyable experience where the student is valued, supported and encouraged in a way that allows them to realise their full potential in all areas and provides them with the skills and attitudes to face the future with confidence and success.
The school is bilingual, teaching English as an alternative second language with clear First Language objectives in reading, writing and oral competency. In the Early Years and Grades 1 approximately 70% of the curriculum is in English whilst Grades 2 to 11 currently has an average of almost 50% of the curriculum in English.
We promote an international perspective through a British International curriculum and through LAHC (Latin American Heads Conference) student activities and conferences as well as contact and interchange with schools around the English-speaking world.
St. George’s College believes in the fundamental British principles of social awareness and responsibility based on respect for the value of every individual, social group, and culture. Our aim is to create leaders capable of overcoming social divisions and barriers in order to promote national unity, leading to a democratic society which is aware of the dangers of social division through perceived differences in race, religion or culture. Our central educational philosophy is based on the concept of respect, responsibility and tolerance as the central pillars of individual, social, and cultural development.
St. George’s College is dedicated to being a dynamic and innovative educational organisation which bases its teaching methodology and educational strategies on providing the student with an education for the XXIst century in order to prepare them for a rapidly changing world in which students will require the skills, attitudes, knowledge and values which will effectively help them to face the challenges of the future. The formation of positive attitudes and values is an essential part of the school’s philosophy, providing a comprehensive, integral education which gives great importance to the personal, social, spiritual, academic, physical and emotional well-being of each student.
Our founder and promoter, Miss Minnie Nikolas believed in the importance of personal formation as a central and integral part of education, instilling the core values of respect, and responsibility which in turn lead to honesty, sincerity and the ability to stand by and defend what is right and true. She advocated moral strength, what was known as moral fibre in the United Kingdom, along with firmness of character as being the central foundations of the school’s educational philosophy and the basis of our students’ confidence and success in life.
We are committed to the academic, social and emotional needs of the student as the central responsibility of our educational philosophy. The starting point must be to strengthen each student’s emotional stability and self esteem, and from this basis develop the full capacity of the student’s potential in all areas from the academic to ability in sports and the arts. Above all we are dedicated to the student’s growth and the development of the potential of each student. As such the student competes against himself, setting new targets as their confidence and self-esteem increase.
St. George’s College (San Jorge de Miraflores) was initially founded as an English Academy for street children from Cantuarias in 1932 by Mrs.Minnie Nikolas who had come to Peru from England. The school was then relocated in Schell where St George’s was officially founded as an English bilingual school. On the 1st. April 1956 the school moved to its new location on Av Montagne in La Aurora, Miraflores.
Since its inception Mrs. Minnie Nikolas installed British values into the curriculum, the principal of them being honesty, sincerity and truth, as well as providing students with the challenging high standards of an English bilingual education.