Our school has a House system that promotes teamwork, organisation, initiative and balance, which promotes respect for the different talents and abilities of our students, and, at the same time, encourages the exercise of leadership in all of them.
The most important objective of this system is to facilitate and encourage the participation of all our students, who are divided into four houses: Griffin, Phoenix, Pegasus, and Minotaur. All these houses compete against each other in different disciplines, either in teams or individually, in order to earn points for their House.
In addition, there is a points system for the “Houses”, which applies to academic work, effort, sports, the arts, and many of the extracurricular projects carried out during the year. In this way healthy competition is encouraged. The merits that students receive in their classes also contribute positively to the general count of points for their Houses.
With regard to the members of the Houses, it should be noted that all of our students, teachers, administrative and maintenance staff are assigned to a house from the moment they enter the school; in such a way, that each year will match the number of members of the various houses. Likewise, all parents and siblings of our students belong to the same House for life.
In terms of internal organisation, each House is led by a teacher and two students, the latter having the positions of Captain and Vice-Captain of their House. Their main role is to guide the members of their Houses and organise the necessary strategies that will lead them to victory.
Each end of term, the score of all events will be commented upon during assembly and, at the end of the year, the winning House will be awarded the Interhouse shield. Thus all our students will feel proud of their House, as team work is fundamental to the success of their team.
Points system
All the activities scheduled in the yearly timetable have a score of: 10 points for 4th place, 20 points for 3rd place, 30 points for 2nd place and 50 points for 1st place.
Merits awarded to students will also add points to their respective Houses.
There will be a jury for all competitions, whose decision shall be final.
Students are kept informed of their House’s progress and at the end of the year, with all of the competitions completed, the House Shield is presented to the House with the highest point total.