Message from the head of Senior School, Williams Amaya
Dear St. George’s Family:
Education is the result of projects interactions that help develop personal identity: family project, educational project and personal project, which we hope that each student in our community will develop for their lives, as the result of the first two.
At St. George’s College we continue to seek to train good people by strengthening projects that allow it, being aware that the way to make it happen can take different ways of attention to characteristics of the protagonists, our students.
Williams Amaya
Head of Senior School
Head of Lower School Message
Dear St. George’s Family:
Hoping that everyone is in good health, I would like to tell you that the education we have in front of us, virtually or in person, must continue. Thanks to the efforts and resilience of the entire St. George’s community, we are demonstrating that education is a right and not a privilege. It is our responsibility during this period that we have to live together, to develop in our students the soft skills they need to adapt to and face the world after the pandemic.
I invite you to listen the following message.
Mrs. Lucy Castañon
Head of Lower School
Message from the Headmaster, Dr. Graham Gisby
Dear parents:
More than two months in isolation have passed where I have reflected on many things that I miss right now and that I once took for granted, such as being part of assemblies, receiving parents to talk about different topics, and hear the effervescent laughter of children and teenagers.
We find ourselves on times of crisis where many of you can feel the pressure brought on by events and forces that are not the fault of any of us. The vision we wish to share is of the school where which we are sure you would like to return in 2021. St George’s is a strong and vibrant school, with clear leadership, with secure international influence and interactions, world class curricula, admirable and concrete infrastructure plans, advanced technology and wonderful resources.
Dear parents, I invite you to watch the following video.
We will keep in touch
Dr. Graham Gisby
Message from the Head of Early Years, Ursula Alarco
Dear St. George’s Family:
The most important reason for our work is children; where day by day we take care of the emotional part and we are advancing in the curricular programs that are based on necessary competencies for their ages and not only on content to be fulfilled. Our children need to develop different skills such as: social skills, communication, self-control, technology, inquiry, among others. It is difficult, but we cannot allow our children to miss the opportunity during this year to continue to have cognitive, physical, neurological, social and emotional support stimulation. Therefore learning must continue and by working as a team we can achieve it.
I invite you to watch this video.
We will keep in touch and we are attentive to any concerns you wish to express.
An affectionate hug,
Ursula Alarco
Head of Early Year
Video Tutorial Seesaw
Video Tutorial Google Classroom
PED Manual
Video Tutorial Zoom
Video Tutorial Library & Book Bank Site
On our website you will find the tutorials so that you can access our virtual platforms and thus access the classes without problems.
Early Years: Google Sites
Lower and Senior: Google Classroom
If your child studies at the Miraflores campus, you should send an email to:
If your child studies at the Villa campus, you should send an email to:
- Early Years School (Nursery, Pre Kinder and Kinder): Seesaw and Hangouts Meet
- Lower School (G1 – G4):
a. Grade 1 to 4: GSuite: Google Classroom, Hangouts Meet.
b. Grade 1 to 4: Mathletics, RazKids, Oxford Reading Tree: Floppy Phoni, BrainPop, Twinkl. - Senior School (G5 – G11): GSuite: Google Classroom, Hangouts Meet.
Some sessions will be complemented with other apps according to the learning objective, the nature of the course and the level of autonomy of the student. These sessions will be recorded and recorded in the Classroom
Through the messaging of the SGO they can communicate with the teacher or another authority of the school.
It will be according to the schedule sent to parents through the SGO and to students through their tutor’s Classroom.
- Written interactions, using the platform’s chat or forum.
- Audio interactions.
- Audio-video interactions.
In these interactions our students will be able to work on their activities, ask about their development and receive feedback from them. Interactions with parents will continue to be through St. George’s On Line – SGO. In the case of Nursery, Pre kinder, kinder and first grade they will also use the Seewsaw platform.
For Senior School (Grade 5 through Grade 11): On Monday (until 4:00 pm) and Tuesday (until 4:30 pm) we will have advisory sessions for students who need to reinforce some knowledge or activity of attention to diversity.
They can upload them directly through the platforms or to the teacher’s email in case the files are very heavy.
At EY we are asking parents to send us evidence through photos and not videos.
The works will be compiled by the tutor once they return to the classroom and will be filed in the folder of each student. It is not necessary to physically send them before.
In Early Years there is no problem, since the day’s activities are posted on Google Sites and can be reviewed at any time of the day.
In Lower and Senior if the student cannot connect to the virtual class, they will have the opportunity to review the recordings of the class when they can. The virtual classes will be posted on Google Classroom.
For Early Years (Nursery, Pre Kinder and Kinder), special group reinforcement sessions will be given daily. The schedule for this feedback is Monday through Friday from 12:30 p.m. at 12:50 p.m., prior coordination with the parents. Each month each student will have had 2 reinforcement sessions with the tutor.
- In the case of Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten with groups of 2 students per classroom in a period of 20 minutes.
- In the case of Kindergarten with groups of 3 students per classroom in a period of 20 minutes.
For Lower School (Grade 1 to Grade 4): Feedback sessions will be developed at the teacher’s invitation to students who have questions and / or need to reinforce what they have learned from the session given on the school day. At the end of the class, the student must send the teacher a message through the Seesaw or Classroom, depending on the grade to which they belong. The Classrooms used for feedback will have the names of the teachers, for example: Feedback Miss Patricia Rojas.
Early Years (Nursery, Pre Kinder and Kinder): will take place on Tuesdays from 2:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. at the request of the family or the school.
Lower School (Grade 1 through Grade 4): will be held on Tuesdays from 3:15 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. at the request of the family or the school.
Senior School (Grade 5 through Grade 11): will be held on Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. at 4:30 p.m. at the request of the family or the school through the SGO. These meetings will last from 15 to 20 minutes and the meeting link will be shared through the SGO institutional email. The interviews will be recorded according to the interview formats of the level and shared with the parents through the SGO.
The vacation days of July (from July 21 to 31) and October (October 5 to 9) will be evaluated to be considered in the face-to-face or virtual recovery program, according to the needs of our students. The May holidays, the week from July 13 to 17 and the days from December 17 to 22, are already considered within the Distance Education Program – PED.
Pedro Pablo Cáceres – G3 – Seals
Luciana Cáceres – G2 – Otters
Ximena Orihuela – G2 – Seahorses 2
Stéfano Léger – G6 – Michelangelo
Luis Alva – G9 – Einstein
Mia Haneda – G7 – Beethoven